Real Property Management Lonestar

How to Stage a Selma Rental Property

Stage Your Selma Rental Property like an Expert Property Manager!

Owning a successful rental property means you have to be good at a lot of miscellaneous tasks. Speaking of which, how are your home decorating skills? Making your property look desirable is part of the staging process—and it’s much more than decorating. You want the right tenants to find your home through your property listing.

When they see it in person, you want potential tenants to fall in love with your property! Setting the best stage for your home takes a little practice. To set your property up for success, here’s how to stage a Selma rental property.

What Is Staging?

We already mentioned that staging is much more than decorating your home. While decorating is part of it, the art of staging helps potential tenants see your property as their future home.

When staging your home, you remove personal touches. This includes everything from erasing any traces of the previous tenants to painting the walls in neutral colors. You’ll simplify the decor and add a few pieces of furniture to show off your home’s best use of space.

Staging helps you present the best qualities of your property. Before you decide it’s more effort than it’s worth, here’s why staging is critical to being a successful landlord.

1. Staged Homes Rent Faster

Do you want to reduce downtime between tenants? Staging your Selma home is an excellent way to help your home rent faster. In the past, a thorough cleaning and an empty property was the standard operating procedure when showing a rental property to potential tenants.

Today, landlords need every advantage to find new tenants for empty properties. Any time you can go above and beyond to help your property make a good impression reduces the amount of time your property sits vacant. A well put-together rental property is more attractive to potential tenants. It helps your property appear ready for move-in. Staging helps your home look much better, plus you’ll stand out from other properties in the area.

2. Staging Allows You to Position Your Home

There are multiple avenues to highlight your property that you should consider when staging:

It’s easy to focus on and show off your home’s best features—but what about the not-so-great features? 

You always want to be honest in your Selma property listing, property photos, and when showing the home. However, using staging to your advantage can help minimize property flaws while highlighting better features. 

No rental property is perfect! With effective staging, you can present flaws or drawbacks in the right light. Plus, what you see as a flaw could be a unique feature when staged well.

3. Staged Homes Feel More Professional

Tenants expect more from landlords and rental properties than ever before. A quality listing, a user-friendly application process, and a staged property feel professional to tenants.

Your property needs to communicate that it’s well maintained and in demand. From the first in-person impression, when showing the property to ongoing property management, you’ll reduce tenant turnover when tenants feel like they’re dealing with a quality rental property from the start.

4. Don’t Be Afraid to Stage!

Staging a home can be tricky. You don’t want to overdo it, yet it can be hard to know what to show off versus what to minimize for your Selma rental property.

When staging your home:

Staging can be plenty of work, but it’s worth the effort to reduce tenant turnover.

5. Use Professionals to Stage Your Property

If staging isn’t your strongest skill, use a professional property manager to stage your Selma rental property. It’s part of our job description—and a critical piece of the marketing and leasing process!

Real Property Management Campanas has the expertise to stage your rental property for best success. Real Property Management has been serving our owner-partners and their investment properties for over 25 years. We know what helps a property appeal to tenants in the Selma area. We’re ready to set your stage and help you get the most out of your investment property.