Real Property Management Lonestar

6 Tips for Saving Money on Your Next Move

One of the anticipated parts of being a Selma renter is that you will need to move house sooner or later. And sadly, moving is not only time-consuming but expensive, particularly if you are moving a long distance away or want to hire people to help you. The good news is that there are approaches you can do to save money during your move to help keep those costs down. These money-saving tips can assist with making your next relocation a little more affordable with some extra planning and some insider know-how.

1. Donate, Toss, or Sell Unwanted Items

Lessening the amount of stuff you wish to bring with you is an excellent way to make your next move faster and less expensive. This is particularly true if you are moving a long distance but can be just as much of a money-saver even if you are just moving a few miles away. Spend time to go through your belongings and pick what to donate, throw out, or sell. It is also beneficial to sell items you no longer want or need at a yard sale. This can both lighten the load and put a little extra cash in your pocket.

2. Plan Ahead

Possibly, consider planning your move as ahead of schedule as could be expected. Waiting to try and schedule a moving truck or helpers at the last minute will certainly cost you more because your options will be fewer. You can also start planning your move by creating a system for packing each room. Not frequently used items can be packed months ahead of a move, and all boxes need to be clearly labeled according to contents and which room they will be stored. Anything you can do to speed up your move can usually save you money on moving day.

3. Start Gathering Supplies ASAP

One more way to save money during a move is finding and using free packing material as much as you need. Yet, locating free packing supplies needs time; that’s why it is advantageous to start collecting boxes and other supplies as soon as possible. Explore local classifieds for people getting rid of moving boxes, or check local stores if they have any available.

4. Move During the Week

If feasible, plan your move for a day or season outside of peak demand. To give an example, hiring a moving company for a weekend or during the summer will cost more because demand is high. On the opposite side, the same movers may quote you a lower rate for moving on a weekday or during the off-season. The same might be true if you opt to rent a truck and do it yourself. While it’s not often feasible to choose your moving date, it may save you a great deal of money if you have that opportunity.

5. Hire the Right Movers

If you prefer to hire movers to help you, it’s beneficial to shop around and compare rates. There is no set fee for moving, and even moving companies that appear to offer the same services might charge very different rates. However, the cheapest option isn’t always the best, either. It is important to examine the company’s customer reviews online and look for recommendations from friends and neighbors.

Getting a quality mover is an excellent method to save money since their staff should be well-trained and efficient. Unscrupulous movers may dangle a great rate and then charge by the hour and drag out the move much longer than it would take for somebody else. To avoid the possibility of being exploited this way, ask about fixed-rate options.

6. Divide and Conquer

You can make the most of the movers you hire if you are well-prepared and organized on moving day itself. Suppose you are moving to a new place nearby, attempt to move as many of the boxes and small items yourself as you can. It just makes sense: if your movers only need to focus on moving your furniture, the move will take less time and probably cost less, too.

The more time the movers spend on packing, loading, and unloading your things, the more likely you’ll end up spending far more than you wanted to on your move. So have everything boxed and ready to go before the movers arrive!


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